
Under most circumstances, if either the original player or their enemies are eliminated, the Gaia player will almost always be defeated regardless of who gets eliminated first. This code cannot be reversed unless the game is saved and reloaded before entering the code. GAIA - Controls all animals in the game except for anything that can be fished but the player loses control of their civilization.HOYOHOYO - Priests get tremendous speed and 600 hit points, which all can be doubled if appropriate technologies are researched at the temple after this cheat is summoned.This makes it useful to attack Wonders as a last resort. Fortunately, it can attack any building discovered through the fog of war. As a result, any moving target that is beyond the original range cannot be attacked. However, this does not affect the Line of Sight. ICBM - Ballistae and Helepolises gets 100 range.Previously researched technologies that benefit archers would no longer apply once this cheat is summoned. They turn into trees when standing still and can walk on water. DARK RAIN - Transforms bowmen and all foot archers into Stealth Archers.BLACK RIDER - Transforms a Horse Archer or Heavy Horse Archer into a Black Rider, which will turn into a Catapult, Heavy Catapult, or Big Bertha if killed.This cheat affects ALL players in the game but can be turned on or off by typing the code again in the chat box. STEROIDS - Instantly builds structures, gather resources, and build units.